
When having multiple monitors with different refresh rates, there may be problems, such as being limited to the lowest refresh rate, or even games showing the high FPS but the monitor not having that FPS. Even more confusion comes in when the cursor is still on a high refresh rate, because cursors mostly are not software rendered, thus are treated differently.

Below are some Ideas for fixing this.

Keep in mind those solutions could add minor tearing, but that little tradeoff is nothing against the gain of more fluidness. To fix both, consider Wayland.

NVIDIA (propietary)

-> It should work now



If it still doesn’t work, try settings these environment variables:

CLUTTER_DEFAULT_FPS=<your highest refresh rate>
__GL_SYNC_DISPLAY_DEVICE=<your highest refresh rate display>

Find the DISPLAY_DEVICE name with xrandr | grep connected

Add the text block above to /etc/environment (Tip: Use EDITOR=<your editor, if EDITOR is not set anywhere else> sudoedit instead of sudo nano or sudo vim)

-> sudoedit /etc/envrionment